Thorben Dahl

Fanmade Monochromes
Album cover for Battle Against Champion

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Battle Against Champion

This is the theme about the brave, young and talented Pokémon Trainer who challenged the almighty Champion… and lost.

Composer's Comment

As far as epic battle themes go, this is my most epic one yet. Of course the reverb knob is about ten times higher than it should be, and the melody is copy+pasted onto many different instruments, yet the melody is so good it still stands.

A couple sections are inspired by other games. Listeners well versed with the Pokémon Colosseum soundtrack may recognize the Team Snagem easter egg, and the organ section uses the same chords as… the Game Corner theme from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum! That chord structure is surprisingly good and versatile.

I made this theme about the same time that my handball team, which I had been a part of for several years, was disbanded. Maybe that's where I got the inspiration for such a dramatic melody? It is hard to know so many years after the fact.

Anyways. This was the last fanmade theme I made for Pokémon Black and White, which had been out for one day in Japan at the time this was released. It was time for me to find other reasons for creating music.

Released September 19, 2010

Fanmade Monochromes