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Bustling City
1st City Theme
Imagine a metropolis with a blue sky and all the possibilities of the world at your feet.
Composer's Comment
This is yet another theme made a couple of months in advance (so-called "old" theme). I had Pokémon Colosseum in my mind when I created this.
I had the idea for this song in my head for weeks before I eventually recorded the song (as is usually the case, though now it tends to be years, not weeks). As I created the song, I thought of an intro which could sound good. To start with, the first 8 measures weren't there. I added them after having listened to some of my oldest work. Yes, the first 8 measures are actually taken from a song I made three years prior to this one! I like to imagine my musical ideas to be in a drawer, inspired by Miyamoto's idea drawer. Even if I can't get the musical idea to work there-and-then, there is always the chance that it is the perfect match for another composition later. I guess you could say this was a theme 3 years in the making.
Released May 23, 2010
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