Thorben Dahl

Fanmade Monochromes
Album cover for Gritty City

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Gritty City
2nd City Theme

Theme for a city where you should think twice before going out alone.

Composer's Comment

Inspired by Pokémon Colosseum. This is one of the so-called old themes, meaning that I made this prior to starting my YouTube channel. It is actually from 2009, and is one of the first compositions I made in which notes were entered by hand, instead of recording in real time, allowing me to not have timing errors in the composition.

I really like this theme! I think it is pretty catchy.

Fun fact: After the theme has repeated twice, a new section begins. Here you can hear what I for a long time thought could be my theme melody. I don't really think much of it now, but having a "secret" portion hidden behind a repeat is still something I find interesting. The official Pokémon soundtrack actually does this with the Mt. Chimney theme from Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.

Released May 30, 2010

Fanmade Monochromes