Thorben Dahl

Fanmade Monochromes
Album cover for Battle Against Gym Leader

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Battle Against Gym Leader

A random battle theme which accidentally made it to YouTube.

Composer's Comment

Oh boy, this theme. I did not intend to upload this theme to YouTube. It is a bit too… random. It does not really center around a few motifs, instead it just jumps from idea to idea. Each separate idea is cool enough, but about the only thread throughout the song is the drums and bass.

So why did this make it online? I had it laying around (unnamed) in my MediaFire account (an online service for hosting files online), which I linked to in the description of my videos as a way to download MP3s of my music. I cannot really remember why I had it there, though I imagined it was so I could gather feedback from people by just giving them a link.

Anyways. A certain YouTuber known as GCPM11, who was known in the Pokémon music community for uploading the work of others without attributing the original creators or asking them for permission, found this theme and uploaded it to his channel without attributing me or asking me for permission, labelling it as a Rival Battle Theme. I found out soon enough, and asked him to at least attribute the video to me, which he did. Nowadays we just share tracks with each other through social media, but back then, having your work reuploaded on other channels served as a way to reach out to a new audience, so I had a policy which said that reuploads were fine, as long as I was credited. So with this change to the video description, GCPM11 was in the clear.

I didn't want his channel to be an exclusive source of music I had created, so I promptly uploaded the theme to my own channel, labelling it as a Gym Leader Theme as I found that to be more appropriate. And that's how this then-old theme ended up online, despite not holding up to my standards, even back then.

Released May 22, 2010

Fanmade Monochromes