Thorben Dahl

Fanmade Monochromes
Album cover for Main Menu

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Main Menu
Continue, New Game or Options?

Menu theme for the menu after the title screen.

Composer's Comment

When I made this, I had the idea "What if there was some music in the menu which is usually silent?". While some game's main menus fit with music (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon comes to mind), I've later come to the conclusion that the menu in question has absolutely no need for music. The music would just serve as a distraction; by keeping the main menu silent, you encourage players to go on and pick an option quickly. Usually, the player know exactly what they want to do beforehand, so they need only a couple seconds at most to select the option. Still, I like this theme. It's just not fit for the main menu.

Released June 8, 2010

Fanmade Monochromes