Thorben Dahl

Fanmade Monochromes
Album cover for Route 1

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Route 1

The first route you go through on your journey.

Composer's Comment

My second favourite composition from Fanmade Monochromes, second to the Cute City theme. The only thing I would have changed is how the melody line plays legato. Whoever plays those instruments should be allowed a few moments to breath! …I simply was not aware of such things when I made this back then.

Other than the suffocated virtual flute players, I'm a fan of how cute and happy this is. It might sound odd for a composer to declare themselves as fans of their own work, but that is how I do. I guess you could say I'm my own audience. It's important for the health of the composer, if you ask me!

Released July 27, 2010

Fanmade Monochromes