Thorben Dahl

Fanmade Monochromes
Album cover for Town 1

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Town 1

Composer's Comment

The comments pointed out that this is very similar to the Pachelbel's Cannon in D. I did not know what they were talking about, but after listening to it, I realised I had heard it before. It was the ringtone of my grandmother's wireless telephone! Still, when I made this I just sat at my keyboard, and the first chord naturally led to the second, and so on.

On another note, I think this is the first composition of mine which changes time signature in the middle. Also, you can hear I was inspired by Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, as the percussion is very similar to the new Goldenrod City theme.

Released April 29, 2010

Fanmade Monochromes