Thorben Dahl

Trading the Cards
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Tutorial Duel
Learning the Basics

Just like in the original, I imagined you'd be thrown into a tutorial duel shortly after starting the game.

Composer's Comment

This was a composition I had trouble making interesting. I therefore made it so more and more elements would be added as the basic song looped, although it's always difficult to loop back when you use that technique. Perhaps in the game, you would progress to the next version of the loop as you got deeper into the tutorial duel, making it so you wouldn't need to "step down" to the first version.

Either way, the melody is not too much to write home about (I actually find it to be kind of repetitive), but it does embody the excitement of setting off on a new adventure while retaining that "baby steps" feel.

Released April 18, 2011

Trading the Cards